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Daily Archives: April 16, 2018

Your Pet Has Fleas! Why even one flea is a problem and what to do about it

Fleas in Pets

 In Diaries of a Veterinarian, my human mom, Dr. Dunn, discusses life as a vet, gives vet tips, and discusses all things vet related as a guest on my blog. 

Nothing has the potential to create more stress and frustration in the life of a pet owner than this one little word: fleas. These tiny blood-sucking parasites are not only gross, but they can be the source of a lot of (unnecessary) discomfort for pets and owners alike. What’s worse, even one flea bite can be the source of some more serious medical conditions. But, never fear! With diligence and consistency, even the most infested pet can once again live a happy, bug-free life.

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