I am very disappointed that I have to write this. There exists an unspoken, and yet clearly universally defined, set of cat rules that deserve attention. Any human who shares their home with a feline should be well aware of this. But, alas, it is not always so. Therefore, it is with exasperation that I have been compelled to assemble this list. Nevertheless, in the hopes that I may save at least one of my felineĀ friendsĀ from unnecessary grief, I present to you the top 10 cat rules that all humans must obey.
If you live with a cat, you know you’ve been there. It’s the middle of the night. You wake up feeling like your bladder may rupture, so you stumble half asleep out of bed, plodding dumbly down the hall to the bathroom. Then suddenly you feel it. At first, it seems like maybe just a little moisture between your toes. But as you step down you feel the goo, the glob of wet furry grossness against your bare foot. And you know. You’ve been hairballed.