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Browsing Tag: Milton

Milton’s Bad Habit – Pebbles the Blind Cat Stages an Intervention


Pebbles the Blind Cat Brofur Milton

It has recently come to my attention that little brofur Milton is engaging in some potentially self-destructive behaviors. It is no secret that he is a serious food fanatic. However, it has lately spiraled into the realm of dangerous desperation. 

First World Cat Problems – The Life of a Spoiled House Cat

Pebbles the Blind Cat

First World Cat Problems. The struggle is real. Some days are just frustrating, ya know what I mean? I’m sure you think I have the purrfect life. You would be right. Most of the time. But there are just some days that I want to throw up my paws and yowl.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m generally not a fan of complaining. But, let’s be honest. Sometimes you just have to vent. And, dear pawsies, today is one of those days. So here is a list of some of the top first world cat problems my fur siblings and I must endure. 

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