Mom and Dad went out of town last weekend, so you know what that means… Pawty time! My brofurs, sisfurs, and I typically look forward to Saturdays (aka Caturdays) because Mom and Dad are expected to be home to serve us. However, sometimes they have “plans” away from home (as if something could possibly be more important than us). And they have the audacity to leave us.
This clearly unacceptable behavior has occurred far too often. This Saturday was the last straw. Therefore, the fur siblings and I decided it was time we took matters into our own paws. We decided to throw an epic house pawty!
Proper planning is essential to the execution of any successful event. Given that I possess the superior intellect among my fur siblings, I elected myself as Pawty Planning President. Let’s see. We need decorations, snacks, and activities.
First of all, I felt that streamers would be a nice touch to get us in the pawty spirit. That one is easy. I strutted into the bathroom and began unraveling the delightful soft paper that Mom leaves hanging up for me. Okay. Decorations. Mission complete!
While I was working on the decorations, Brofur Gordon was busy supplying the snacks. Of course, he learned a long time ago where Mom hides the Temptations Treats. And, as they say, with knowledge comes power. Gordon has learned to apply his feline ninja skills for the betterment of Cat Society. Here is a video illustrating his amazing ability to procure pawty refreshments. He was quite successful in his supply run. Because of his amazing abilities, he even managed to score a bottle of the finest Catnip
. Oh, it’s on now, folks!
With preparations complete, there’s nothing left to do but pawty! As all my feline friends know, all good times start with a bout of “zoomies”. You know, the chaotic burst of energy cats (or dogs) release by zipping frantically through the house. Zoomies are fun, but they can also serve an important practical function. You see, as we run through the house, over tables and countertops, we can effectively clear all the clutter off of surfaces that the humans have inconsiderately left behind. You’re welcome, humans!
As our zoomies were underway, Milton found his favorite cat springs toy (pictured below behind him). Now, Milton believes that the tablecloth serves as the perfect surface to slide and maneuver on. Not to mention the fact that if any fur siblings try to commandeer the precious toy, it is quite simple to roll it under the material and sit on it for safe keeping. Good job, Milton!
During the festivities, Gordon stumbled upon some magazines and “important” documents Mom has been working on. Of course, nothing is more fun than shredding paper and tossing it about like it’s a winter wonderland! Sinking his paw swords into the paper and biting frantically with his mouth daggers, Gordon effectively disassembled the offending pile of nonsense quite effectively.
This is when things got serious. It was time to pull out… THE CATNIP! Now, as a disclaimer, I don’t promote frequent, daily use of catnip. I believe it should be used responsibly among friends. However, there is nothing wrong with some light, recreational nip use to enhance an already epic pawty. And what better time than when Mom and Dad had elected to abandon us for the day? Well, let me just tell you, this stuff was goooood!
Unfortunately (and this is where things admittedly got a tad out of hand), Dad made a huge mistake. Despite Mom’s repeated warnings, Dad left his favorite pair of shoes on the bedroom floor. Canine sisfur, Gertrude, is a notorious shoe murderer. With all the festivities going down, who would even notice one little shoe? Um, Dad? I’m starting to think maybe Mom is a little smarter than you sometimes…
We didn’t know when Mom and Dad would return home, therefore, we had to be very cautious. Of course, the plan is always to make the simpleton canines take most of the blame. Consequently, this can only be carried out successfully with proper timing. Therefore, I assigned Milton as the official lookout.
After assuming his perch, it wasn’t long until Milton let out the obligatory warning cry. Ok, fur siblings! It’s time to rally! As Mom and Dad walked in the door they froze.
Mom: Oh. My. Word. What on earth happened in here?! (pause). Pebbles!Â
Pebbles: Yes, lovely Mommy? What is it?Â
Mom: You know what! There is stuff knocked over everywhere and paper shredded all in the floor. And look at this entire roll of toilet paper wasted!
Pebbles: But, dearest Mommy, you know I can’t look. I’m just your little blind angel.
Mom: Do not lie to me, Pebbles. Clearly, you had a wild pawty while we were gone.Â
Pebbles: Mom, the canines started it, and we just went with it to distract ourselves from the fact that you left us all day.
Mom: Hmmm. And did “the canines” get out this catnip, Pebbles?Â
Pebbles: Momentary Pause, then… purrrrrrrrrrr and leg rubs. I love you so much, Mommy!
Mom: Big Sigh. Ok, ok. I missed you, too Pebs. Just promise me if we have to leave again you will not have any more wild pawties like this again!
Pebbles: Silence. Then… purrrrrrrrrrrr. I’m thinking it’s about hungry kitty time!
Mom: Another big sigh. Ok, little ones, let’s get you some supper.Â
Seems like I always get the job of damage control officer. After all, who could stay mad at this face?!
In the meantime, because Daddy seemed quite amused by the entire thing, he was softly snickering in the background. That is until he discovered his beloved pair of shoes. “GERTRUDE!”
We have had many pawties in our day, but this one definitely ranks at the top! It was a blast, to be sure. I would call it a success. All in all, was it worth the scolding that we got? Well, judging by my brofurs’ faces, what do you think?
Alas, all fun must eventually come to an end. But even though Mom made me cross my paws and promise to never participate in these shenanigans again, I cannot rule out entirely any future activities. And I believe in sharing the love. So if you ever hear that my mom and dad are out of town for a while, pull up a box, grab some catnip, and the PAWTY IS ON!
Until next time… keeping Pebbles Strong!
It has recently come to my attention that little brofur Milton is engaging in…
Meet my dad. Yeah, that’s him. He’s the big guy in…
Lisa Wingerter @ | 5th Apr 18
OMG this is hilarious and adorable! I had a cat who would literally OD on catnip. We would have to take it away after a few minutes or he’d be walking into walls and meowing super loud and running around like a nut.
Pebbles the Cat | 5th Apr 18
Thanks! Nothing better than a cat on catnip. =)
Shirley Corder | 5th Apr 18
Oh this is such fun! Thank you for a good laugh! Exercise to improve your life, improve your mind.
Pebbles the Cat | 5th Apr 18
Thanks for stopping by!
Dorothy Berry-Lound | 5th Apr 18
This is so funny, I write a lot of stories about my cats in my blog. They get up to such mischief. Pebbles seems to manage very well for a blind cat I have to say. Lovely story thank you for sharing.