To understand cat people there are only a couple of things you need to know. First, yes, they are a little crazy, and, yes, they fully embrace it. Second, they are passionate about their felines, to put it mildly. They may jokingly complain about all the havocΒ their furry companion wreaks on a daily basis. But if you even think about saying anything sincerely negative about any cat that has ever lived, prepare for a firestorm of crazy to be unleashed upon your head, the force of which you can’t even imagine. You’ve been warned.
Being in the “cat people” club is considered an honor by all who are admitted (by feline standards, of course). And it is indeed a club. You can go to the farthest corners of the planet, not knowing a living soul. If you happen upon a fellow feline fanatic, there is an instant bond that outsiders just can’t understand. So in order to reinforce those bonds (and give the crazy cat people something to talk about), here are ten things that only cat people will understand.
Too often humans insist on leaving objects sitting on top of counters, tables, or nightstands. Obviously, this is feline territory, and therefore, it must be kept clean and clutter-free at all times. But cats do understand that humans are often absent-minded and may accidentally leave objects (cups, pens, books, clocks, etc.) just sitting on top of a cat’s favorite surface. Not to worry, though. With a swipe of the paw, this unacceptable mess can quickly be cleared. You’re welcome.
You are sitting peacefully reading a book with your furry angel in your lap, enjoying a quiet evening at home. Then suddenly you feel it. Her muscles tense up. Her ears go back. You can see her pupils dilate like the waxing moon. Then, zoom, off she flies around the house like her tail is on fire. Up the curtains. Around the couch. On the chair, then off the chair and into the kitchen. You hear a crash and see her sliding around the corner and out of site. And suddenly she is back in the living room, stretched out in the floor breathing heavy.
No, your cat has not been possessed by aliens (hopefully). As a predatory creature that sleeps a few (well, maybe, like 16-20) hours per day, the extra bursts of energy are needed to catch prey. So, no judgments, okay? Just give your feline someΒ fun cat toys to play with, and enjoy the show!
Just for fun,Β here is a video of my brothers playing with one of their favorite toys.
It’s the weekend, hurray! You finally get to sleep in and catch up on some much-needed sleep, right? Yeah, right! Just because you don’t have to work doesn’t mean that your dear feline’s tummy can wait. If you normally have to get up at 5 am for work, it is not unreasonable for the cats to start reminding you at 4:45 that breakfast time is quickly approaching. The most common reminders include laying on the face, pawing, and licking of the face and head. But never underestimate the power of the chest sit with the death glare.
Some “clever” humans attempt to outsmart the cats by simply shutting them out of the room. Oh, you poor, poor simpletons. How you underestimate the motivated feline! Cue images: paws reaching under the door, shredded carpet, doorknob rattling. When all else fails, there is always loud, constant wailing. Come on, already, just give in and put out some food. You know you’re not going back to sleep until you comply, anyway!
No explanation necessary. It doesn’t matter if it is aΒ fancy electric device or some jacked-up hand-held can opener from the 1920’s. Your cat knows what it is. And she willΒ appear out of thin air, frantically crying at your feet the moment you even approach the can opener. Be prepared.
Maybe it’s just my crazy mom. As soon as kitty finds the perfect sleeping spot, that quiet, hidden, up high spot that no one can find, she gets into a frenzied panic. She calls, but no answer. Immediately she believes that said kitty must have gotten stuck in the dryer, or under the bed, or has been electrocuted somewhere, or somehow escaped out the door and has been mauled to death by hungry wolves. She looks in every possible place she can think of, whilst weeping and calling for kitty, imagining every possible grim fate that kitty has likely suffered.
Hehe! It is so much fun to sit in the secret hiding spot, observing the amusing display of hysterics. Eventually, of course, this gets old and boring. Then it’s time to come out for a treat. But, felines, beware. Mom’s reaction can vary between scolding to elated (overly tight) hugs. But it’s worth it in the end if you are able to slip by undetected and save the hiding spot for the next time!
All cat people know this. Toilet paper on a roll is the most pawesome invention ever! How in this world is a cat expected to just ignore the soft, delicate material that flows so perfectly in your paws? Just accept it, and prepare for the astronomical toilet paper bill. Or maybe an investment in aΒ Paws-Free Toilet Paper CoverΒ would be worth it. But for fun’s sake, I say let the poor kitty have a T.P pawty!
Well, I wear fur all the time. Why do humans think this is such a big deal? For those who (inexplicably) find feline fur offensive, maybe stay away from dark colors. Or any solid colors. Just go ahead and get the t-shirt There’s Probably Cat Hair on This.
You know it’s true, anyway.
Yes, cats puke from time to time. It’s usually no big deal. But it can sometimes signal other problems going on that need to be checked out. For more information on feline vomiting, you can read about hairballs in cats here.
Watching television? Perfect! I’ll go sit on the t.v. stand. Reading a book? Well, obviously the best, most wonderful place to sleep is on top of a book a human is looking at. Don’t forget about computer keyboards. They are super comfy, as well. Obviously, your cat is the most wonderful thing on the planet to observe, so this behavior is only done as a service to the humans. Felines can be so selfless sometimes.
We felines have a reputation for being aloof and independent. Okay, so maybe some of that is legitimate. But we can also be every bit as loyal, loving, and friendly as dogs.
People who are not true cat people may say, “I once had a cat I loved, but that’s only because he acted just like a dog. He was waiting for me when I got home from work and followed me around the house. He just wanted to be close to me, like my dog.” Ok, I’ll try not to be too offended by that. Clueless humans. While all felines have different personalities, the typical cat is super attached to their human and just wants to be loved.
Anyone who has truly loved, or been loved by, a cat surely knows well the deep bond and attachment that forms. Cats are not small dogs (thankfully). But a feline somehow makes you feel like it’s a tremendous honor just to be loved by them. But isn’t it, though?
As the great Charles Dickens said, “What greater gift than the love of a cat?”
Until next time… Keeping Pebbles Strong!
Real men love cats, despite what popular opinion says. Surely you’ve heard…
It has recently come to my attention that little brofur Milton is engaging in…
Jennifer | 2nd Mar 18
Number 4. I had a black cat and a white cat. I couldn’t wear dark or light, someone’s fur was going to show no matter what.
Pebbles the Cat | 3rd Mar 18
When in doubt, go with plaid!
A.J. Sefton | 2nd Mar 18
Ah yes – cats and cat people! That’s us. Love this and your cute cat friend xx ill be back!
Pebbles the Cat | 3rd Mar 18
Thank you so much! We cat people have to stick together!
Linda Luke | 2nd Mar 18
So true! This post reminded me how silly the lives of cat owners can be. Just last night one of my cats knocked a plastic scoop off my kitchen counter and it made a lot of noise as she batted it around the kitchen floor. This morning we had a fight as I tried to give her flea meds. I hope she forgives me. If not, she may keep me up tonight too.
Pebbles the Cat | 3rd Mar 18
I think one sleepless night is adequate punishment. =)
Audrey Cortez | 7th Apr 18
I can relate to all of this! I love cats! they all have their own unique personalities. I’ve had over 20 cats in my life. Currently, I have 4
Rigel Celeste | 7th Apr 18
I am blessed to have kitties at the moment who do let me sleep in (now if only my kids would), but aside from that everything on this list is SO TRUE.
Kristen York | 7th Apr 18
We are mostly a bunny house but I do have a special little kitty. Her name is Mrs. Boone, she was the runt of the litter, and the only one who survived. She’s 2 now and only half the size of a regular cat. She’s epileptic and super sensitive to everything BUT…She loves her momma. Wherever I am, she has to be sitting on me. She follows me everywhere and sits on my feet when I stop. I am a very lucky cat mom <3
Pebbles the Cat | 8th Apr 18
That is so sweet! But bunnies are precious, too.
Kristyn | 7th Apr 18
I have five cats. If I go on a stretch of going into work for 3 AM, one of the cats will invariably think I am oversleeping on my next day off. π Not cool, feline, not cool.
My 9 year old wants to know how Pebbles knows where his food dish is.
Pebbles the Cat | 8th Apr 18
Lol! Yeah, a few 3 am waking times will haunt you forever. And I know where my food and water bowls are by memory and smell! I’m never late for a feeding!
Cristina Morero | 7th Apr 18
Dear Pebbles. This post was so entertaining and so true. I could check all of the boxes. Especially: toilet paper rolls – check, the zoomies – check, alarm clock – check! And what a great gift indeed it would be to be loved by a cat. I don’t have a cat of my own :(, but I’m a proud godmother of my sister’s to rescue cats. I pamper them with gifts and treats. And a crazy cat lady that I am, one year I even made them a Christmas calendar with treats and toys in little boxes for each day. The cats mostly liked the boxes – but they didn’t say no to the cat candy or the toys either!
Pebbles the Cat | 8th Apr 18
You are a pawesome kitty Godmother! And a kind heart like you, I’m sure, will definitely find the right cat to call your own.
Jacqueline and Eva | 7th Apr 18
What a wonderful and complex and true story about cat owners – feline friends . I was and am a proud and happy adoptee of a feline . Often did my βrude, snobbish β owner comfort me in time on sadness.
Pebbles the Cat | 8th Apr 18
The cat-human bond is so special! Thanks for adopting!
angelica mares | 7th Apr 18
I am not a cat owner but man, do I love hearing these stories and watching videos that other cat owners post. I don’t even know how my pup would react to having a spontaneous and unpredictable cat in the house. He’s too much of a pansy lol.
Pebbles the Cat | 8th Apr 18
The canine and feline fur siblings in our house are wild together during the day, but at night it’s nothing but cuddles. Chip seems to be a sweetie pie!
Chelsea | 7th Apr 18
I loved this post! These are all so true it’s hilarious. Except luckily, my kitties don’t bother with the toilet paper roll. As a fellow crazy cat person, I’ll be subscribing to your blog lol.
Pebbles the Cat | 8th Apr 18
Thanks for visiting! I’m sure you will save loads of money just in toilet paper savings alone!
Jackie | 8th Apr 18
I had to comment because my oldest sweety is named Pebbles too! Yes, I do know the zoomies very well!! Usually happens around 11pm!! Love your blog!
Pebbles the Cat | 8th Apr 18
Give your Pebbles kisses from me! Gotta love the zoomies.
Kim | 10th Apr 18
Ahhhhh! Zoomies! I’m so familiar with them! Usually I think they’re delightful, though it’s somewhat less than awesome when kitty leaves claw marks on your lap to get started. π
Lindsay Clifton | 18th Apr 18
I love your use of humor through a list, and it gave me ideas for my own blog. (Don’t worry; I won’t steal your material.)
My cat, who is about 17, just started cleaning off my dad’s desk. She can’t stand the clutter.