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Cytauxzoonosis – The Dangers of Bobcat Fever in Cats

Cytauxzoonosis or Bobcat fever

In Diaries of a Veterinarian, my human mom, Dr. Dunn, discusses life as a vet, gives vet tips, and discusses all things vet related as a guest on my blog. 

If you live in the southern, central, or mid-Atlantic areas of the  United States and own a cat, you should be aware of the potentially deadly disease, Cytauxzoonosis (or bobcat fever). Cytauxzoonosis (pronounced Sight-oh-zo-un-osis) is a life-threatening disease of domestic cats. It is caused by the protozoal parasite, Cytauxzoon felis.. The disease progresses rapidly and has an extremely high mortality rate. No vaccines are available. Therefore, all cat owners should be aware of this devastating disease and how to best protect their furry companion.

What Does it Feel Like to Perform Euthanasia? – Diaries of a Veterinarian

 In Diaries of a Veterinarian, my human mom, Dr. Dunn, discusses life as a vet, gives vet tips, and discusses all things vet related as a guest on my blog. 

Euthanasia is a Difficult DecisionI look into your eyes. Your fur is no longer shiny, your muscles are weak and atrophied. You have lost a significant amount of weight. And yet in your eyes I can see the trust you have for your human companion. The bond you share is strong.

And as I look into your eyes I know that it is going to be me. I am about to take your life. I wasn’t the one who fed you and loved you daily, who cared for you during your final days, who made the final decision. But I am the one who is going to kill you. And even though you may welcome the relief, the burden of the act weighs heavily on my soul.

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