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Browsing Tag: conversation

Milton’s Bad Habit – Pebbles the Blind Cat Stages an Intervention


Pebbles the Blind Cat Brofur Milton

It has recently come to my attention that little brofur Milton is engaging in some potentially self-destructive behaviors. It is no secret that he is a serious food fanatic. However, it has lately spiraled into the realm of dangerous desperation. 

The Legend of Santa Paws – Story Time With Pebbles and Mom

Pebbles the Blind Cat Santa Paws

It’s officially the Christmas Season! I am so excited for my first full Christmas as an adult cat. There’s food, family, new outfits. There’s even a tree in the house to climb with boxes underneath wrapped in easily shreddable paper! And, of course, there’s Santa Paws.

What, you’ve never heard of Santa Paws? Well, I hadn’t either until a few days ago. I was helping Mom put up the Christmas decorations when she started telling me all about Santa Paws and his eight tiny rain dogs. I was an infant last Christmas, so this was all new information to me. Well, just in case this is your first Christmas also, why don’t you kick back, curl up on your favorite pillow, and get yourself a nice big bowl of Cat Treats while Mom and I discuss the amazing Legend of Santa Paws.

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